Current Happenings
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Holiday Bake Sale
We will host a Holiday Bake Sale on Tuesday, December 14th at early dismissal for the Bear Cubs and Bumblebees at 11:00 am underneath the Fellowship Hall Terrace. We will also have this set up on Wednesday, December 15th after the Christmas Celebrations.
Shareable sized items are ideal for families to take to their holiday get-togethers. To make this possible, we ask that the baked goods be packaged in mason jars, festive Christmas bags or boxes, etc. Use the Sign-Up Genius to donate items.
All Bake Sale items can be dropped in the office starting Monday, December 13th.
Spirit Night
Giving Tree
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Giving Tuesday
Please join us in making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate by clicking on the link below or scanning the QR Code. Checks made out to the Durham Rescue Mission or cash donations may also be dropped off in the office at any time.
New Westminster T-shirts
Our new Westminster School for Young Children t-shirts in multiple sizes are coming soon for purchase of $15 each from the front office. Please contact Laura Johnson for more information.
Amazon Smile
As you are completing your holiday shopping, please remember to link your Amazon Smile account to Westminster Presbyterian Church so we can get credit for your purchases! Amazon also recently created a way to do this through the app too with simple instructions here. Every little bit makes a difference!
Harris Teeter's TIE
Also, Westminster is a part of Harris Teeter’s Together in Education program to help raise funds for our school. It’s easy and it’s FREE. Simply give the cashier our code, 4300, and your VIC card when you check out and your card will be linked for the entire school year. That’s it! You only have to link your VIC card once each school year. This program does not interfere with your VIC savings or cost you any money! Don’t forget to link your VIC card to our account code next time you are shopping at Harris Teeter.